Tanzania Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan IV, 2017–2022 (HSHSP IV) Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Author(s): National AIDS Control Programme (Tanzania)
Year: 2018
The Tanzania HIV Impact Survey (THIS), 2016–2017 (THIS, 2017), showed adult HIV prevalence of 4.7 percent compared to 5.1 percent in 2012. However, even with this decline, the study found that nine out of the 26 regions in the country had HIV prevalence above the national average. Moreover, the study showed a higher HIV prevalence in urban (7.5%) than in rural areas (4.5%) and among women (6.2%) than men (3.1%). Against this background, the Fourth Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan, 2017 ‒2022 (HSHSP IV) has been developed with the aim of fast-tracking combination prevention strategies to reduce HIV incidence and eliminate the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030. The goals of HSHSP IV are to be met through the implementation of the “maximum coverage technical efficiencies” scenario, which matches the country’s epidemiology and current funding landscape. The scenario entails the maximisation of efforts and coverage of HIV prevention and treatment services, with a focus on key and vulnerable populations.
This Health Sector HIV and AIDS Monitoring & Evaluation Plan 2017–2022 (HSHSP IV M&E Plan) has been developed to guide stakeholders on how to monitor and evaluate implementation of the HSHSP IV and determine whether its goals and objectives are being met. The guidance includes definition of indicators for the measurement of expected results (impact, outcomes and outputs), sources of data, frequency of data collection, baseline level, and targets for each indicator and institutions that are responsible for collecting and reporting the data.
The HSHSP IV has 75 indicators in total. The number of indicators by the five strategic areas defined in the strategic plan is as follows: (1) HIV testing services – 4 indicators; (2) HIV prevention services – 15 indicators; (3) treatment, care, and support for PLHIV – 21 indicators; (4) health system strengthening – 26 indicators; and (5) crosscutting interventions – 9 indicators. Seven indicators are identified as core HSHSP IV indicators. The M&E plan underscores the importance of using standard national data collection and reporting tools.