Zanzibar Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan III, 2017–2022 (ZHSHSP III) Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Author(s): Zanzibar Integrated HIV, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme
Year: 2018
According to the Tanzania HIV Impact Survey (THIS), 2016–2017, HIV prevalence in the general population of Zanzibar is less than 1 percent (NBS, 2017). Kaskazini Unguja and Mjini Magharibi regions have the highest HIV prevalence (0.6%), followed by Kusini Pemba (0.3%). The THIS 2017 data show significant reductions in HIV prevalence from the Tanzania HIV and AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey (THMIS) of 2011/12, which estimated an HIV prevalence of 1.2 percent and 0.3 percent in Unguja and Pemba islands, respectively. However, estimates from the general population mask the HIV problem in Zanzibar, which typically is classified as having a concentrated HIV epidemic, with high HIV prevalence among key populations (KPs). The key populations include people who inject drugs (PWID), men who have sex with men (MSM), and sex workers (SWs) who are also characterized as hidden and hard-to-reach population with high risk of acquiring HIV infection. For example, according to the Integrated Bio-Behavioural Surveillance Survey (IBBSS) conducted in 2011–2012, HIV prevalence amongst SWs, PWID, and MSM was 19.3 percent, 11.3 percent, and 2.6 percent, respectively. The Third Zanzibar Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan, 2017–2022 (ZHSHSP III) was designed to respond to the HIV epidemic and identified gaps and challenges in the health sector response in Zanzibar.
This Third Zanzibar Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan, 2017–2022 (ZHSHSP III) Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (ZHSHSP III M&E Plan) has been developed to guide stakeholders on how to monitor and evaluate implementation of the ZHSHSP III and determine whether its goals and objectives are being met. The M&E plan has a total of 70 indicators, with indicators for each of the four thematic areas (TAs) defined in the Strategic Plan, namely: (1) prevention of HIV transmission – 32 indicators; (2) care, treatment, and support for PLHIV – 15 indicators; (3) crosscutting technical interventions – 8 indicators; and (4) health systems strengthening – 15 indicators. The guidance includes definition of indicators for the measurement of expected results (impact, outcomes, and outputs), sources of data, frequency of data collection, baseline level, and targets for each indicator and institutions that are responsible for collecting and reporting the data.
Effective implementation of this M&E plan will provide strategic information for planning and decision-making purposes, including any necessary course correction measures required for the attainment of the health-sector goal to ensure “universal access” to good quality, integrated HIV- related services in Zanzibar. The goal is aimed at eliminating HIV as a public health concern by 2030.