MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania Final Project Report (2014–2019)

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania
Year: 2019
The five-year MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania (MEval-TZ) Associate Award (AA) began on February 28, 2014 and ends on September 30, 2019. The project was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), and the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI). The aim was to strengthen monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and research capacity of community health and social service programmes in the United Republic of Tanzania for malaria and HIV control programmes in Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.
MEval-TZ addressed three intermediate results (IRs):
IR 1: Policy makers use quality data to develop policies and guidelines, and advocate for community health and social service programs (activities to strengthen national-level M&E systems, data quality, and data use)
IR 2: Quality data routinely used by local governments, community providers, and facilities to improve program planning, budgeting, and program implementation (subnational strengthening of M&E, data quality, and data use with health management teams, local government, and implementing partners)
IR 3: Increased evidence base for community health and social service programs (crosscutting activities to strengthen the evidence base and enhance capacity for M&E and research)
The project’s technical approach assumed that health and social service programmes are more successful when supported by relevant, robust, and timely information to guide resource allocations and programming. Two complementary pillars were described to achieve this: (1) the foundation of an enhanced evidence base derived from evaluation, monitoring, and focused research; and (2) widespread use of this evidence to develop policies and guidelines; advocacy for community health and social service programmes; and the details of programme planning, budgeting, and implementation. The project worked at the national and subnational levels.
Underpinning the project’s work were the principles of collaboration, gender integration, and sustainability. Working in a collaborative and participatory manner while fostering relationships with government and non-governmental partners, the project sought to establish and strengthen systems that would be sustained through enhanced local capacity. By focusing on gender as a crosscutting issue, the project sought to highlight gender disparities in health access, programming, and health outcomes, and to promote investigation and action to address those issues to ensure the best services for all Tanzanians. Gender integration encompassed three strategies: (1) gender-focused M&E training with M&E staff at selected ministries; (2) increased availability of sex-disaggregated and gender-specific data; and (3) support for special studies related to gender.