Thinking Strategically About Nutrition: Key Issues in the Context of HIV and Tuberculosis

Author(s): David K. Hales
Year: 2019
The primary purpose of this document is to encourage a more robust dialogue on the value and process of thinking strategically about nutrition, particularly at the national level. This dialogue should involve the full range of stakeholders who have—or should have—an interest in the multisectoral benefits of an effective national nutrition program: government representatives from relevant ministries (e.g., health, agriculture, social services, and economic development), civil society representatives, funding organizations, and individual and community beneficiaries of nutrition programs.
MEASURE Evaluation, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), originally designed this document to explore the links between nutrition and HIV and tuberculosis (TB), because such a significant amount of development funding flows to these two diseases. However, as the global response to HIV and TB continued to evolve, it became increasingly clear that looking beyond these links to the larger strategic role of nutrition was equally important. References to the links between nutrition and HIV and TB are included in this document, because they are valuable examples of how an integrated approach is inherently more strategic, beneficial, and cost-effective.
The issues, questions, and discussion points presented here are designed to help spark more-strategic discussions about the larger role of nutrition in improving the overall quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. They can also facilitate discussions about specific approaches to engage stakeholders and build broader support for nutrition, including the design and implementation of multilateral and bilateral initiatives.