East African Community Digital Health and Interoperability Assessments: Rwanda

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2020
The regional health program of USAID/Kenya and the USAID East Africa Mission, in coordination with the USAID Global Health Bureau, United States Global Development Lab, and USAID Bureau for Africa, engaged MEASURE Evaluation to provide technical support to EASTECO to conduct an EAC regional digital health readiness assessment, incorporating aspects of systems interoperability and the cost of investing in eHealth in the EAC region. The assessment will be conducted in four EAC Member States (Kenya, Rwanda, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Uganda). This report presents the results of the Rwanda assessment, which had two objectives:
· Review the status of digital health and HIS interoperability in Rwanda by assessing the processes, structures, and capacities needed to support the enabling environment for digital health and interoperability in the country.
· Using the Rwandan assessment results, contribute to the assessment of the regional landscape for digital health and interoperability in the EAC to inform a regional analysis of and recommendations for moving digital health forward in the EAC. Access the related Health Information Systems Interoperability Toolkit.