A Compendium of the Kenya Malaria Programme Review 2018

Author(s): Kenya Ministry of Health
Year: 2020
Kenya conducted a malaria programme review (MPR) at the end of the Kenya Malaria Strategy (KMS) 2009–2018 (revised 2014). The MPR was conducted to assess the progress made during the implementation of the KMS 2009–2018. Recommendations and findings of the MPR informed the development of the KMS 2019–2023. The MPR consisted of nine thematic area reviews formed along the key strategic and intervention areas of the KMS 2009–2018. The thematic area reviews were evidence-based assessments of progress made against the KMS objectives and strategies.
This compendium contains 10 separate reports developed as part of the MPR. Chapter 1 contains the report detailing the process for conducting the MPR and the nine thematic reviews. Chapters 2–10 provide the nine thematic reports, covering these areas: programme management; finance; procurement and supply management (PSM); vector control; malaria in pregnancy; case management; advocacy, communication, and social mobilisation (ACMS); epidemic preparedness and response (EPR); and surveillance, monitoring, evaluation, and operational research (SMEOR). These thematic reviews provided the information used to develop the main findings and recommendations of the MPR.