Mobility and Treatment Outcomes among People Living with HIV and/or Tuberculosis in East African Cross-Border Regions

Author(s): Edwards, Jessie K.; Mulholland, Grace E.; Markiewicz, Milissa; Bahemuka, Ubaldo; Seeley, Janet; Kidega, William; De Bont, Jan; Kwena, Zachary; Oketch, Bertha; Okech, Brenda; Nanyonjo, Gertrude; Kidola, Jeremiah; Okello, Elialilia
Year: 2020
Regional economic integration and trade are high on the political and development agendas of East African leaders. Greater regional integration and increased trade are expected to enhance opportunities for income generation and employment, resulting in increased movement of people as they look for new and expanded opportunities in the region. However, the increased movement of humans, animals, and goods across nations leads to intensified transmission of infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB), which do not respect political boundaries. Health affects peoples’ ability to work, the type of work they can perform, and how long they can work. Unless specifically addressed in health programming, infectious diseases have the potential to dampen trade and even reverse economic growth.
This report presents the results of a study—funded by the United States Agency for International Development and the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief—to understand mobility patterns, treatment outcomes, and the feasibility of regional tracing strategies among patients in care for HIV and/or TB in the Lake Victoria region. This study was undertaken by MEASURE Evaluation and local partners from the Lake Victoria Consortium for Health Research: Uganda Virus Research Institute and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative; Kenya Medical Research Institute; Medical Research Council/Uganda Virus Research Institute and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; and the Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit. Results of this study will improve treatment strategies for mobile populations, identify facilities serving mobile populations, and inform planning for cross-border coordination of health services, including medical record linkages, patient referrals, and defaulter tracing.