Nigeria End-of-Project Primary School Headmaster and Teacher Survey, 2009

Author(s): Gage AJ, ed.
Year: 2011
This report presents findings from the 2009 Nigeria end-of-project primary school survey among headmasters and teachers. The survey serves as the endline for the Community Participation for Action in the Social Sector Project (COMPASS). The survey was implemented in local government areas (LGAs) in the states of Bauchi, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Kano, Lagos, and Nasarawa where the COMPASS Project was implemented. COMPASS represents an integration of three previous projects funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development mission in Nigeria (USAID/Nigeria): VISION, BASICS, and LEAP. The purpose of COMPASS was to enhance reproductive health and family planning services, as well as to promote child survival and improved literacy. The core idea behind COMPASS was to integrate the health, child survival, and education sectors through the promotion of community coalitions. Using a representative sample of men and women in the COMPASS target areas as a starting point, the survey teams collected information on all schools in the selected enumeration areas (EAs) used by the selected households’ children. The headmaster at each school and one teacher randomly selected from each grade at each school were interviewed. The objective of this report is to provide estimated values for a set of indicators that are used by COMPASS and USAID/Nigeria for monitoring program performance with respect to education services. Data from the end-of-project survey are compared with the 2005 baseline survey to measure changes in education indicators resulting from the COMPASS interventions. The results of the end-ofproject survey may also be used to redirect efforts or increase levels of interventions in selected areas, based on the needs of schools in COMPASS areas.