Impact Evaluation of a School-Based Sexuality and HIV Prevention Education Activity in South Africa – Baseline Survey Report

Author(s): Makina N, Mandal M, Xiong K, Hattori A, Markiewicz M, Beke A, Speizer I
Year: 2017
Gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to make healthy choices about sexual behavior as adolescent learners transition to young adulthood is key to controlling the potentially devastating effects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
In 2015 South Africa’s Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the Education Development Center (EDC), with support from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), invested in developing and piloting scripted lesson plans (SLPs) and supporting activities to increase the rigor and uniformity of the life skills program. Before rolling out the program nationally, DBE and USAID tasked MEASURE Evaluation to conduct an impact evaluation of the activity in two South African provinces.
The evaluation aims to describe the effect of the SLP on herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) incidence or change in prevalence of pregnancy among a cohort of Grade-8 female learners in 2016 as they progress to Grade 10 in 2018.
This report describes the methods of the impact evaluation of the South African school-based sexuality education program and documents findings from baseline data collection undertaken between August and October 2016.
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