Rating Maternal and Neonatal Health Programs in Developing Countries

Author(s): Bulatao R A, Ross J A
Year: 2000
Abstract:Maternal and neonatal health services in 49 developing countries are compared, using national ratings provided by 10-25 experts per country on a variety of dimensions. These expert ratings cover both routine and emergency services at health facilities, access to these services for both rural and urban women, the likelihood that women receive particular forms of antenatal and delivery care, and such essential program elements as appropriate policy, health promotion, and training. Programs receive low ratings, but great variation exists across countries, especially with regard to access to services in rural areas. The ratings appear to confirm some aspects of the conventional wisdom about the quality of services. For instance, immunization services receive good ratings, while care for sexually transmitted infections receives abysmal ratings. However, some results are not quite as expected. Where comparisons are possible, the ratings are generally consistent with Demographic and Health survey data.