Report of PLACE Assessments in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, 2002 and 2003

Author(s): Zhussupov B, Alimbekova G, Tate J E, Bassett-Hileman S, Weir S S
Year: 2004
The PLACE (Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts) protocol was implemented in Karganda, Kazakhstan in 2002 to determine whether there was any overlap in the injecting drug user and sexual netowrks and to identify where HIV prevention efforts should focus to minimize HIV transmission. A follow-up assessment was planned for 2003 to determine to what extent AIDS prevention programs had successfully reached target sites and whether gaps remained in program coverage. This report summarizes the findings of these two assessments. Unfortunately, the interim period between assessments was not sufficient to implement the range of prevention activites anticipated, so the 2003 assessment was essentially a repeat of the 2002 assessments with some additional improvements and objectives.