Report of PLACE Assessments in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia 2002 and 2003

Author(s): Elibezova E, Tate J E, Bassett-Hileman S, Weir S S
Year: 2004
The limited HIV surveillance in Kyrgyzstan suggests that the HIV epidemic is concentrated among urban injection drug users, but models of the epidemic predict that HIV could spread into the general population via heterosexual transmission. The PLACE (Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts) protocol was implemented in Osh, Kyrgyzstan in 2002 and 2003 to see if IDU and sexual networks overlap, and to identify where HIV prevention efforts should focus to be most effective. Key informants identified about 250 sites in the city of Osh where people meet to find sexual partners and to inject drugs. Researchers verified and visited these sites, and then they interviewed people there about their sexual and injecting-drug-use behaviors, knowledge, and attitudes towards prevention efforts. This 230-page report details the results of these interviews, and offers analysis and recommendations for future HIV-prevention efforts.