PLACE in South Africa: Monitoring AIDS Prevention in Two Townships in Port Elizabeth, 2001-2003

Author(s): Pailman C, Weir S S, Herman C K
Year: 2004
Researchers implemented the PLACE (Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts) method in two townships in the Eastern Cape of South Africa in 2001 and 2003. As part of an initiative to focus on these locals that have an elevated risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, the PLACE protocal was implemented to identify specific high-risk locations where locals met to find new sexual partners and inject drugs and to monitor strategically located prevention efforts. Townships in Port Elizabeth and Utienhage were selected because of high levels of poverty, population mobility, and unemployment. A list of sites where people meet new sexual partners was developed, and interview teams visited and mapped each site. Researchers then asked people attending these venues about their sexual behaviors, knowledge, and receptivity to HIV/AIDS prevention efforts. This 106-page report provides the results of these protocols and provides recommendation for future HIV/AIDS prevention interventions.