Unmet Need for Family Planning in Rwanda and Madagascar: An Analysis Report for the Repositioning of Family Planning Initiatives

Author(s): Nyangara F, Hart C, Speizer I, Moreland S
Year: 2007
Abstract:This report examines differentials across five groups of currently married women in Rwanda and Madagascar with need or no need for modern contraception, including: unmet need to space; unmet need to limit; met need to space; met need to limit; and nonusers with no need. Both Rwanda and Madagascar have relatively high total fertility rates (TFRs), 5.8 and 5.2, respectively; almost similar desired ideal number of children, 4.8 and 4.9, respectively; and high percentages of women who want to limit births. However, their contraceptive prevalence rates are significantly different (Rwanda 13% and twice as much for Madagascar 27%). Recent data from these two countries provides an opportunity to examine the reasons why the use of contraception is lower in Rwanda compared to Madagascar despite the similarities in TFR and comparable demand for children (number of children desired). The analysis explores whether the reported country differentials in contraceptive use can be attributed to country differences or to other factors that distinguish the family planning need types in the two countries, and determine the significant predictors for each when controlling for other confounding factors. This information provides important evidence to guide program and policy decisions on the repositioning of family planning initiatives.