Use of HIV/AIDS Information in Kenya

Author(s): Salentine S, Gichuhi W, Hyslop A
Year: 2007
Abstract:HIV/AIDS information is generated using substantial financial, technical and organizational resources. The investment in producing high quality HIV/AIDS data pays off when this information is used beyond reporting to governments and donors and informs program and policy decisions. The purpose of this assessment is to support the Kenyan National AIDS Control Council (NACC), the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP) and the Presidents Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in Kenya in identifying opportunities for using information so that program managers and M&E; officers can plan for facilitating the use of this data for better operational and strategic decision-making while engendering a local commitment to data quality. To achieve this purpose, the assessment has the following objectives: To identify gaps and synergies for use of HIV/AIDS information across all users; To identify existing best practices; To inform the development of strategies for local use of data; and To provide recommendation of next steps for implementing selected strategies. The assessment of HIV information use in Kenya consisted of four separate tasks: (1) a stakeholder analysis of members of the reporting structure; (2) in-depth interviews of information use stakeholders; (3) a desk review of available HIV information resources; and (4) an information use mapping exercise. This report presents the findings from the in-depth interviews with NACC, NASCOP and PEPFAR program directors, managers and implementers regarding their current use and perceived need for HIV/AIDS data. Based on these findings, recommendations are made. The findings from the desk review and the mapping exercise are presented separately.