Characteristics of Female Reversible Method Users in Four Urban Areas of Honduras:Results from the Baseline Survey of the Study of Service Quality, Motivation for Contraceptive Use, and Contraceptive Discontinuation

Author(s): Barden-O'Fallon J, Speizer I, Cáceres Zelaya S, Cálix Borjas J, Rodriguez Valenzuela F
Year: 2007
Abstract:The overall goal of this study is to determine how, together, three levels of influence (family planning service environment, individual characteristics, and previous experience/fear of side effects) affect contraceptive continuation. While these three levels of influence have all been shown to be important to contraception adoption and continuation, especially for reversible methods, they have not been examined simultaneously to determine how they jointly affect contraceptive continuation, controlling for method used. The sample consists of 800 women aged 15-44 years presenting at selected hospitals and health clinics in Honduras.