Measurement of HIV Prevention Indicators: A Comparison of the PLACE Method and a Demographic Health Survey in Rwanda

Author(s): Commission Nationale de Lutte contre le SIDA, MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2008
Abstract:The 2005 Rwandan Demographic Health Survey (DHS) found that nearly 90 percent of the general population knew about HIV and prevention methods; however, it also found that condom use was very low (only 20 percent of people used a condom with a non-cohabiting partner). To respond better to the large gap between knowledge and safe sexual behavior, and to coordinate local efforts better in the fight against AIDS, the Commission Nationale de Lutte contre le SIDA (CNLS), with technical assistance from MEASURE Evaluation, implemented the Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) protocol in 12 provinces. The 2005 PLACE and Rwandan DHS results are useful tools for program managers wishing to focus scarce resources in effective HIV prevention. The DHS results provide information concerning the general population and provide a global picture of peoples HIV knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. The PLACE results provide information about populations that exhibit riskier sexual behavior than the general population. Together, the survey results from PLACE and DHS can provide program managers and other stakeholders working in HIV/AIDS comprehensive information on knowledge, attitudes, and practices in both the general population and specific subgroups. The aim of this report is to compare results between the two surveys and illustrate how both surveys can be used together, giving HIV/AIDS program managers and policymakers a better picture of certain determinates of the generalized epidemic in Rwanda.