Relationships between Maternal Health Care and Postpartum Modern Contraceptive Use in Kenya and Zambia

Author(s): Do M, Hotchkiss D
Year: 2011
This study examines the associations between the use of maternal health care (antenatal and postnatal care [ANC and PNC]) and postpartum modern contraceptives. Data come from the most recent Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in Kenya (2008-09 DHS) and Zambia (2007 DHS). The study sample includes women who were currently married or cohabiting with their partners and had a live birth within five years before the survey (3,667 in Kenya and 3,587 in Zambia). Tests of exogeneity confirmed that the intensity of ANC and PNC service use and postpartum modern contraceptive practice were not influenced by common unobserved factors. Cox proportional hazard models showed significant associations between the service intensity of ANC and PNC combined, as well as ANC only, and postpartum modern contraceptive use in both countries. No significant associations were observed between PNC service intensity and postpartum family planning (FP) practice. The study adds to the body of evidence of the associations between maternal health care and postpartum modern FP use. It highlights a window of opportunity to promote the use of modern contraceptives after childbirth through ANC service delivery.