Formative Assessment of a Future mHealth Site in Nhamatanda, Mozambique

Author(s): do Nascimento N, de Jesús João F
Year: 2013
Background: Effective treatment of chronic conditions such as HIV, diabetes, and hypertension requires clients to return periodically to the treatment center for resupply of medications as well as for check-ups and laboratory tests. Failure to return at scheduled times compromises treatment effectiveness and, in the case of HIV, can even lead to antiretroviral therapy (ART) resistance, lower retention in treatment, and increased mortality among patients. In Mozambique, busca activa complements facility care processes. It consists of community outreach done by community workers (known as activistas) to locate treatment patients who are overdue for pharmacy pickups or needed consultations. MEASURE Evaluation – in collaboration with the Community Care Program (PCC) and the Clinical HIV/AIDS Services Strengthening in Sofala, Manica and Tete project (CHASS SMT) – is assessing the feasibility of using mobile telephone technology to facilitate communications between the treatment facility and the community workers who carry out busca active.
This paper discusses a document review and in-depth interviews/discussions with key stakeholders and staff from both PCC and CHASS SMT, which was complemented by a self-administered questionnaire completed by activistas of the Nhamatanda PCC CBO. Interviews and discussions with stakeholders with another organization based in Munhava, Beira City, are included.
Conclusions: The current busca activa system implemented in Nhamatanda district is in need of significant improvements before it will be operating at a level that will enable the introduction of mobile phone technology. Training on usage of mobile phones for busca activa will be important given activistas’ limited experience with mobile technology.