A Review of Family Planning Outcomes in Integrated Health Programs and Research Recommendations

Author(s): Barden-O’Fallon J, Adamou B, Mejia C, Agala C
Year: 2017
Research on the integration of health services is abundant and has been undertaken to investigate the many assumptions related to service integration: namely, that integrated services are cost-effective, efficient, and lead to improved health outcomes. Most research on integration outcomes has focused on short-term outcomes; less is known about longer-term outcomes, particularly the health benefits of integration. Additionally, family planning (FP) outcomes are not always a focus of research and evaluations and are not routinely measured by programs. As a result, many questions on the specific outcomes and impacts of integration on FP programming remain.
The main objectives of this review are to assess the recent evidence base on the effects of integrated programming on FP services and outcomes, gather lessons learned for FP services in integrated programs, and provide recommendations for future research. Although the review builds on the evidence base on FP- integrated programs, the paper differs from previous reviews by focusing on questions relevant to FP program stakeholders.