GEMNet-Health Planning Meeting February 23–25, 2017, Cuernavaca, Mexico

Author(s): Kulatilaka H, Hart L, and Keck H
Year: 2017
In February 2017, the Global Evaluation and Monitoring Network for Health (GEMNet-Health) met in Cuernavaca, Mexico, for their planning meeting. The meeting was hosted by the Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. Representatives from nine of the ten GEMNet-Health partner institutions were present at the meeting, including members of the GEMNet-Health secretariat: MEASURE Evaluation (funded by the United States Agency for International Development).
The purpose of this planning meeting was to review successes of the network since the last meeting, in 2015; develop a list of potential future activities for the network; and then prioritize these activities to develop an updated strategic plan for the network.
The following were the detailed objectives of this meeting:
1. Review GEMNet–Health accomplishments over the past two years.
2. Understand new and current activities related to evaluation and health systems at each of the GEMNet–Health member institutions.
3. Discuss potential collaboration with other organizations including International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3IE) and Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR).
4. Share experiences with collaborative activities around evaluation.
5. Discuss strategies for promoting future collaboration among GEMNet–Health member institutions.
6. Generate a list of potential future activities both in evaluation and health information systems for GEMNet-Health; this list will feed directly into the priority setting and strategic planning process.
7. Identify and prioritize future GEMNet–Health activities relating to rigorous evaluation and health systems strengthening.
8. Revise and update the GEMNet–Health Capacity Building and Strategic Plan, including a detailed plan for achieving network priorities discussed on days one and two.
9. Discuss and determine next steps related to transition of Steering Committee and Executive Committee positions, committee structure, and GEMNet-Health Policy on Revenue Sharing for Joint Workshops.