Workshop to Disseminate Findings and Facilitate Data Use: Impact Evaluation of Strengthening Tuberculosis Control in Ukraine (STbCU) Project Workshop Report

Author(s): Nicole Judice, Zulfiya Charyeva
Year: 2018
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) mission in Ukraine is testing strategies to combat the problems posed by multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and HIV. One strategic mechanism was the Strengthening Tuberculosis Control in Ukraine (STbCU) project. The project’s goal was to decrease the country’s tuberculosis (TB) burden and to improve the quality of TB services, including detection and treatment of TB, MDR-TB, and extensively drug-resistant TB. The project also aimed to provide prevention and treatment support to counter the rapid growth of TB and HIV coinfection
USAID Ukraine commissioned MEASURE Evaluation to conduct an impact evaluation of the STbCU project. This report focuses on a workshop conducted to disseminate the findings of the STbCU project impact evaluation and to facilitate their use. MEASURE Evaluation convened the workshop on March 14–16, 2018, in Kyiv, Ukraine. The report presents the content of each day of the workshop along with recommendations generated by participants. The report concludes with a brief description of next steps.