Malaria Epidemic Preparedness and Response Review and Planning Workshops: January‒March 2019

Author(s): Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya
Year: 2019
Epidemic preparedness and response (EPR) is one of the key strategic approaches to controlling malaria in Kenya. In collaboration with MEASURE Evaluation, Kenya's National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) organised seven EPR workshops targeting county and sub-county malaria control and disease surveillance coordinators. The workshops were conducted for 127 sub-counties in 26 counties that fell in the epidemic-prone areas of the western highland and seasonal transmission zones. A total of 320 health managers from the 26 counties and 127 sub-counties were trained.
For the first time, the 2019 EPR planning and review workshops included sub-county malaria control and disease surveillance coordinators. The evaluations conducted during the workshops revealed important gaps in overall EPR training and monitoring. The workshops resulted in several recommendations to improve future EPR planning and review workshops and epidemic monitoring across all levels.