MEASURE Evaluation News Archive
The following news is from before July 2014. Please visit MEASURE Evaluation News for more recent items.

The Next Phase of MEASURE Evaluation
The objective of the MEASURE Evaluation Phase IV project is to enable countries to strengthen their systems to generate high quality health information that is used for decision-making at local, national, and global levels.
USAID Awards Two Science and Technology Pioneers Prizes
USAID awards Two Science and Technology Pioneers Prizes recognizing work supported under MEASURE Evaluation, implemented by the Carolina Population Center. The prizes are awarded to projects and activities that apply science and technology to development challenges of our age.
MEASURE Evaluation Colleague to Head Population Association
The IUSSP has elected MEASURE Evaluation's Stacey Gage as its 2014-2017 president.
Public Health Foundation of India Partners with MEASURE Evaluation
The Public Health Foundation of India and MEASURE Evaluation recently completed four years of collaborating together on monitoring and evaluation regional training in Asia.
M&E eLearning Courses Featured on K4Health Blog
Courses advancing M&E professionals’ skills in the field were featured on the Knowledge for Health blog in August 2013.
Dataverse Network Houses Research Online
MEASURE Evaluation is making its data more accessible to others and easier to archive using the Odum Institute Dataverse Network.
Indicators Database Offers Survey
The Family Planning and Reproductive Health Indicators Database, developed by the MEASURE Evaluation Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) project, has launched a survey for users to provide feedback on how well the database meets their needs.
Bangladesh 2006 Urban Health Survey Released
The 2006 Bangladesh Urban Health Survey data and supporting materials can be downloaded from the Odum Institute Dataverse Network.
Plastic Bags for Testing Water Quality
MEASURE Evaluation piloted an innovative, low-cost water quality assessment tests with three DHS survey teams in Peru.
Letter from Staff Published in the Lancet
Senior director and staff agree traditional evaluation designs are limited in today’s complex global health environment.
Team Leader Named M&E Advisor for Global Health Initiative
MEASURE Evaluation team leader, Erin Eckert, has been named M&E Advisor for the Global Health Initiative at USAID. Erin played and instrumental role in global coordination of M&E activities for HIV and is a pioneer in M&E of global Malaria programs.

MEASURE Evaluation Welcomes New Deputy Director
MEASURE Evaluation welcomes Dr. Jim C. Thomas as Deputy Director of HIV/AIDS and infectious disease.
Inconsistent Fertility Motivations and Family Planning Behaviors Among Women in Honduras
Recent studies have demonstrated that it is common for women to report inconsistent fertility motivations and family planning behaviors. This study examines these inconsistencies among urban Honduran women interviewed at two points in time and presents reasons for inconsistent fertility motivations and contraceptive behaviors at follow-up.
Using Multiple Sampling Approaches to Measure Sexual Risk-taking Among Young People in Haiti
This study compares three surveys of young people aged 15–24 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in terms of their sociodemographic characteristics and sexual behaviors and the surveys' usefulness for identifying young people at high risk and for program planning.
Sexual Violence and Reproductive Health Outcomes Among South African Female Youths
Programs to reduce adolescent pregnancies and HIV risk in South Africa and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa must address sexual violence as part of effective prevention strategies.
Benefits and Costs of Expanding Access to Family Planning to Women with HIV
Heidi Reynolds of MEASURE Evaluation contributed to an analysis that models the potential benefits and costs of adding family planning to national strategies for achieving universal access to programs to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission.
Global Health Information Forum, Thailand, January 2010
MEASURE Evaluation's involvement in improving country health information systems was showcased at the Global Health Forum in January. A poster on MEASURE Evaluation's Sample Vital Registration with Verbal Autopsy toolkit was prepared for attendees.
Smiling Sun Baseline Evaluations Completed in Bangladesh
The recently published baseline evaluation surveys of the Smiling Sun program in Bangladesh are a source of information as critical programmatic decisions are made in the early phase of the project.
Research Findings Published in Several Scholarly Journals
Research findings by MEASURE Evaluation is often published in various scholarly journals. Citations and links to full articles have been provided for further reading and reference.
Health Facility Survey Methods Examined
This working paper further examines the sampling methods and provides a comparison of the various approaches in an attempt to identify the distinctive features of each method.
Curricula Review of Emergency Plan Centrally-Funded HIV Prevention Programs for Youth Published
This paper uses an evaluation tool that compiles known characteristics of high quality reproductive health and HIV prevention curricula to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of curricula used by centrally-funded PEPFAR ABY programs.
HIV/AIDS in Namibia Report Published
This report identifies and describes what current evidence indicates are the main behavioral and contextual factors that are driving the HIV epidemic in Namibia.
Effects of Programs Supporting OVC Report Published
Key findings from evaluations of four programs, supporting OVC, to ascertain the extent to which program interventions are effective in improving the well-being of OVC and their families, and the interventions' cost-effectiveness in achieving key outcomes.

Early Marriage Evaluation Study in Ethiopia Published
The 2007 EMES is the first large-scale household survey in Ethiopia to provide population-based estimates on levels of exposure to early marriage prevention messages and their influence on knowledge, attitudes, and skills conducive to delaying marriage. The survey was conducted from July 16 to August 20, 2007.
PEPFAR Public Health Evaluations Published
Public health evaluations were commissioned to examine PEPFAR-funded HIV care and support by PEPFAR in Kenya and Uganda.
Targeted Evaluations of Orphan and Vulnerable Children Programs in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia
Six reports evaluate OVC programs in Kenya and Tanzania to measure program outcomes: One working paper evaluates the impact a community-based program by a Zambian NGO on educational outcomes.

Use of Technologies in the Field Discussed in Online Forum
The IHFAN online forum attracted over 400 to discuss experiences, challenges, opportunities and new developments in using technologies in health data collection and its use in the field.
Virtual Leadership Development Program
MEASURE Evaluation is pleased to announce the first Virtual Leadership Development Program (VLDP) for teams working in M&E of HIV/AIDS programs. The application deadline for the VLDP is February 27, 2009.

Contraceptive Discontinuation Study Report Available; Findings Disseminated in Honduras
A study implemented by MEASURE Evaluation and Programs for the Development of Women and Infants assessed how service environment, individual characteristics, and experience or fear of side-effects are related to contraception discontinuation in urban Honduras.
PEPFAR Reporting Efforts Strengthened in Kenya
Tools by MEASURE Evaluation help lead to more reliable data for PEPFAR reporting and planning in Kenya.

Indicators for Programs to Address Violence Against Women and Girls
Violence Against Women and Girls: A Compendium of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators was developed for managers, organizations, and policy makers working in the field of VAW/G program implementation and evaluation in developing countries, as well as for people who provide technical assistance to these individuals and organizations.
Publications Released
Publications include: special report on contraception discontinuation in Honduras; compendium of M&E indicators for VAW/G programs; special report on AIDS care and treatment for national service delivery systems in Swaziland; working paper on contraceptive method use among adolescents and young adult women; urban health survey in Bangladesh

Jobs @ MEASURE Evaluation
Take time to visit MEASURE Evaluation’s job postings if you are looking for employment in international public health.
Health Facility Assessment Technology Forum
This on-line forum will provide opportunity for people with experience or general interest in using PDAs or GPS in HFA or household surveys. Participants will discuss experiences and lessons learned in using technologies for large scale data collection efforts.
Forum on Community-Level HIV/AIDS Program Information Reporting Toolkit
This on-line forum is intended to get input from a wide range of professionals with expertise in the area of routine health information systems on the CLPIR toolkit which is being field tested in several countries.
New Training Partner for Asia and Near East Region: Public Health Foundation of India
New regional training and capacity building partnership with Public Health Foundation of India

IHFAN Partnership Improves Availability of Health Facility Assessment Data
IHFAN's features a metadata repository to improve the availability, quality and use of health facility targeted data in developing countries.

Child Status Index Used in Ethiopia
Save the Children adopted the Child Status Index tool as part of its staff training in Ethiopia.

MEASURE Evaluation Concludes Second Phase
MEASURE Evaluation contributes to strengthening health systems world-wide.
MEASURE Evaluation Takes on New Partner
MEASURE Evaluation welcomes new partner, Management Sciences for Health, to the project as it enters its third phase.

32 OVC Case Studies Released
This series of case studies examine programs serving orphans and vulnerable and children in South Africa that receive support from PEPFAR.

PRISM Case Studies Available
PRISM case studies illustrate how PRISM helps design, strengthen, monitor, and evaluate RHIS in various settings
Presentation: Global Health Mini-University
"Sizing Up and Strengthening Health Information Systems" and “Serving the Underserved”
Presentation: Global Youth Enterprise Conference
"Comparisons of Evaluation Methods for Livelihoods of Vulnerable Children Programs"
International AIDS Conference, August 3-8
AIDS 2008 will provide many opportunities for the presentation of important new scientific research and for productive, structured dialogue on the major challenges facing the global response to AIDS.
Publications Released
Comparison of PLACE method and a DHS Survey in Rwanda; Steps to Conduct an HFA

The PLACE Method for M&E of HIV Prevention Programs
The Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) protocol is designed to provide strategic information to prevention programs based on the unique features of local HIV transmission networks.

Estimating Size of Injecting Drug User Population
PLACE data can be used to estimate the number of people visiting PLACE venues.
HIV Prevention Programs at PLACE Venues
The PLACE method identifies public venues where people meet new sexual partners and provides this information to local HIV prevention programs for outreach efforts.

Comparison of PLACE and RDS
PLACE is a venue-based method for sampling most at risk populations and respondent driven sampling (RDS) is a social network-based sampling strategy.
Identifying HIV Prevention Gaps in Zimbabwe
MEASURE Evaluation is releasing a report on a study which examines why girls under 18 and young women 18-24 are at high risk of getting HIV.

Zambian Stakeholders Review PLACE Findings
MEASURE Evaluation assisted a Zambian research organization to conduct two PLACE studies in Kapiri Mposhi and Mongu, Zambia.
PLACE Implemented in Haiti
MEASURE Evaluation technical advisers adapted the PLACE method tools for local use in Haiti in collaboration with FOSREF, the primary provider of youth reproductive health services.
PLACE Publications & Resources
Journal articles, reports about PLACE - including a link to the PLACE manual.

Publications Released
Targeted evaluations for OVC programs; data demand and information use decision calendar now in French.

M&E Fundamentals
Do you know the fundamentals of monitoring and evaluation? Take this free course online to learn!
Early Marriage Study Used
Action plans created in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia are significant for the support of M&E aspects of early marriage prevention interventions.

SAVVY in Brazil
The Brazilian Ministry of Health, in collaboration with MEASURE Evaluation, adapted SAVVY verbal autopsy tools and methodologies to improve the quality of their Mortality Information System.