MEASURE Evaluation’s Work in Health System Strengthening: Global Models, Tools, and Resources to Measure and Improve Health Information System Performance

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017
The Learning Agenda is MEASURE Evaluation’s response to a request by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to explain the effects of investments in strengthening health information systems (HIS). As part of the Learning Agenda, we have launched the Health Information System Strengthening Resource Center. The Resource Center serves as an online repository of learning, information sharing, and resources for HIS development and strengthening. This brief catalogs the resources that have been or are being developed under MEASURE Evaluation’s HIS Learning Agenda for the Resource Center. Health Systems Strengthening - M&E and Learning is a package of health systems strengthening (HSS) resources that provide advice and direction on how to set up monitoring, evaluation, and learning processes.