Using the Indicator Matrix for Monitoring and Evaluating Programs Serving Orphans and Vulnerable Children: Guidance

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
The United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPAR) aims to mitigate the multidimensional and acute impact of HIV and AIDS on children through the provision of holistic, community-based care and support services. PEPFAR’s approach to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programming focuses on socioeconomic and health promotion, and access to interventions that reduce vulnerability, contribute to primary prevention of HIV, and support access to and retention in treatment.
Focusing on improving the ability of OVC programs to measure their impact, PEPFAR assembled a team of experts from its partner agencies and MEASURE Evaluation to design an indicator matrix that maps the current required PEPFAR OVC indicators and complements them with additional recommended foundational, process, output, and outcome indicators and the newly established PEPFAR Global OVC Graduation Benchmarks.
The purpose of this document is to describe the indicator matrix and guide PEPFAR country teams and implementing partners (IPs) to select custom indicators for performance monitoring. The document can also support the development or revision of current monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plans.
The OVC indicator matrix is available at: