Population Size Estimation Tool for Programs Serving Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
Intended user: Managers of PEPFAR OVC programs in Botswana, Nigeria, South Africa, and South Sudan
What: A workbook calculator to help in estimating the population size of children ages 0–17 years living in a household with at least one adult who is HIV-positive or orphans and children ages 0–17 years living in such a household. The calculator is for use in countries that do not have a recent AIDS indicator survey or DHS survey with biomarker/HIV testing.
Investment: Time to complete a form and availability of the number of children ages 0–17 years in the country and an estimate of HIV prevalence among people ages 15 years and older
Tool output: The tool provides only national-level estimates, based on adult HIV prevalence. It estimates the proportion of all children and the number of children in each group, with lower and upper range estimates with a 99 percent confidence level.
Access the related Tool for Using Demographic and Health Survey Data to Estimate the Size of Orphans-and- Vulnerable-Children Groups at the National and Subnational Levels resource.