Tool for Using Demographic and Health Survey Data to Estimate the Size of Orphans-and- Vulnerable-Children Groups at the National and Subnational Levels

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
This workbook is designed to assist PEPFAR orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) country programs to estimate the size of four groups of potentially vulnerable children:
- Children ages 0-17 years of age living in a household with at least one HIV-positive adult member age 18 or older
- Orphans (includes children whose guardian does not know if biological parents are alive) and children ages 0-17 living with orphans in a household with at least one HIV-positive adult member age 18 or older
- Children ages 0-17 years of age who are orphans (biological mother and/or biological father deceased), irrespective of reason for parent's death
- Orphans and children ages 0-17 years of age living with an orphan (coresident children), irrespective of reason for parent's death or presence of an HIV-positive adult in the household
Each PEPFAR country has its own worksheet (tab). The percentages of potentially vulnerable children are derived from Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data sets.
Access the related Estimating Numbers of Orphans and Vulnerable Children – A Test of Regression Modeling resource.