PLACE in Central Asia: A Regional Strategy to Focus AIDS Prevention in Almaty and Karaganda, Kazakhstan; Osh, Kyrgyzstan; Tashkent, Uzbekistan 2002.

Year: 2004
Abstract:Researchers used the Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) method to within the Central-Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, and Uzbekistan. The PLACE method identifies specific sites where high-risk populations meet to find sexual partners and inject drugs, and then collects behavioral information from the people attending these sites and assesses local HIV/AIDS prevention efforts. HIV surveillance is currently limited in Central Asia, but it suggests that some geographic areas may have high incidences of infection; these incidences could spill over to the general population if effective prevention measures are not made. The cities of Almaty and Karaganda in Kazakhstan, Osh in Kyrgystan, and Tashkent in Uzbekistan were selected as cities for this assessment, which was conducted in 2002. Key informants identified almost 3,000 unique sites where people meet new sexual partners, commercial sex workers solicit clients, or injecting drug users socialize. Researchers visited these venues and interviewed more than 7,500 individuals there about their sexual behaviors, condom use, propensity to share needles, and willingness to attend HIV/AIDS prevention programs. This 254-page report describes and analyzes these data, and offers recommendations on how to target effective and low-cost HIV/AIDS prevention efforts to these groups.