Understanding the Influence of Health Information System Investments on Health Outcomes in Côte d’Ivoire: A Qualitative Study

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
Health information is one of the six core functions of a health system, along with service delivery; human resources for health; medical products, vaccines, and technologies; financing; and leadership and governance. Investments in any one of these areas will affect and be affected by the other core functions of the health system. Assessing the broader effects of investments in HIV-specific health information systems (HIS) on the overall improvement of the larger health system can help explain how these investments can lead to improved HIV outcomes.
There have been substantial investments in Côte d’Ivoire’s HIS over the past decade. In 2018 these investments were evaluated to contribute to an understanding of how HIS strengthening investments affect HIS performance, health system outcomes, and public health outcomes. The evaluation consisted of a document review with a resulting triangulation report (MEASURE Evaluation, 2018), and a qualitative study informed by key stakeholders in the country, the results of which are presented in this report.
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