M&E of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention and Mitigation Programs

This module is designed and intended to be used as a one and a-half day training session on monitoring and evaluating gender-based violence prevention and mitigation programs. The module follows the two-day training sessions on Gender-Based Violence: A Primer. This module is intended to be a basic introduction to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and should be merely a first step in encouraging workshop participants to build their individual and organizational capacity to monitor and evaluate their programs.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • differentiate between monitoring and evaluation;

  • write goals and smart objectives for GBV programs;

  • design a logic model for a GBV program;

  • identify criteria for indicator selection and information sources for GBV indicators; and

  • discuss factors to consider when choosing an evaluation design. 

All Files

GBV Facilitator's Guide

GBV Presentation

GBV Handouts





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