
We have organized valuable HIS strengthening resources by the areas of the HIS Strengthening Model

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Health information system (HIS) practitioners and researchers working to build strong HIS don’t need to start from scratch. Examples of important HIS documents can be accessed through the HIS country profiles. The HIS Strengthening Model provides the foundation for HIS planning and learning. HIS assessment tools can be searched and accessed in the HIS assessment tools database. HIS performance indicators can be found in the Resource Center’s indicator registry.

To ask about a specific resource or suggest additions to the Resource Center, please contact us

Key Resources in HIS Strengthening

A number of documents and voices in the HIS strengthening field have informed MEASURE Evaluation’s work. These include examples of collaboration, blogs and commentaries, infographics, and journal articles and reports.

Digital Health

Many HIS strengthening initiatives are now using information and communication technologies such as electronic health records, mobile health technologies, and interoperable platforms to support the collection and use of health information. Here are some helpful tools and guidance.

The Global Health Security Agenda and the One Health Approach


The Health Data Collaborative (HDC)

Digital Square

Health System Assessment Resource Center

Blogs and commentaries on HIS

How a Functional Health Information System Can Improve Program Evaluation Key Resources in HIS Strengthening

Health information systems for program evaluation: How to connect the dots?

Evolving the Digital Health Landscape: Strengthening the Drivers of Digital Health Success

Learning about Learning


This collection of infographics tells part of the story of how an HIS performs and what it can contribute to health improvements. 

Journal articles and reports

HIS Definitions

Filed under: Health Information Systems , Health Systems Strengthening , HIS
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